




#10 Becoming Your Ideal Self

#10 Becoming Your Ideal Self

In this episode, Miranda talks about how to get real intentional with growth by identifying your...

#09 Jason Sealy: Why We Hate Working in Teams

#09 Jason Sealy: Why We Hate Working in Teams

"There has to be a high level of importance to wanting to change. And there has to a level of importance around the urgency to change. Or a recognition or connection with the cost of not changing or not growing.” – Jason Sealy In this episode of The Miranda Ayim...

#08 When You DON’T Get Results: Mindset Monday

#08 When You DON’T Get Results: Mindset Monday

In this episode of MINDSET MONDAY, Miranda talks about her recent French championship title, an alternative championship mindset and the capricious nature of results. Miranda Ayim is a two-time Olympian with Team Canada specializing in developing and optimizing key...

#07 Amie Latta: Creating impact in Self and Community

#07 Amie Latta: Creating impact in Self and Community

In this episode of The Miranda Ayim Podcast, Amie Latta and I discuss moving through emotional storms, techniques to increase self-awareness, and how to make an immediate impact in your community.Amie Latta is a registered psychotherapist and a specialist in...

#06 How you self-sabotage your own peace : MINDSET MONDAY

#06 How you self-sabotage your own peace : MINDSET MONDAY

Sometimes the simplest things make all the difference. Let's talk about 3 things we can remove from our life that steal our time, energy, and attention—three culprits that sabotage progress towards our goals, priorities, and peace.Miranda Ayim is a two-time Olympian...

#05 Stu Singer: Mindfulness in High Performance

#05 Stu Singer: Mindfulness in High Performance

In this episode of The Miranda Ayim Podcast, Stu Singer and I discuss the power of mindfulness in high pressure situations, the main mental stumbling blocks for high performers, and the similarities between sport performance coaching and executive/business...

#04 Staying Calm Under Pressure: Mindset Monday

#04 Staying Calm Under Pressure: Mindset Monday

In this episode of Mindset Monday on The Miranda Ayim Podcast, Miranda talks about why "Just calm down" is crappy life advice and three techniques to help you practice staying calm in high pressure situations. Miranda Ayim is a two-time Olympian with Team Canada...

#03 Susan Cockle: Developing Holistic High Performance

#03 Susan Cockle: Developing Holistic High Performance

We are more than what we do. We are more than our goals. We are human beings with emotions, fears, and doubts. When we focus solely on optimizing our skills, we neglect resources that are vital to both our personal and professional performance. As a high performance...

#02 Sefu Bernard: Building Resilient Character & Culture

#02 Sefu Bernard: Building Resilient Character & Culture

Being a leader can be tough—whether it's leading a sports team, a business delegation or a flock of kids. But as difficult as it is at times, we all know it’s worth the effort. Positive team dynamic is vital to a strong, healthy organization. However, questions...

About Me
Hi, I’m Miranda!

I’m Miranda, a certified wellness coach,
public speaker, blogger, podcaster, and
athlete. Underneath all of that, I’m an
advocate of intentional growth.

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